This is a summary of key information about Auckland Council and how local elections work in other languages.
More detailed information is available on
What Auckland Council does
Auckland Council is one of the largest councils in Australasia.
It makes all local government decisions and delivers many services to all communities across the Auckland region.
The council is responsible for many things that impact people's daily life, such as:
- the rates you pay and the services and assets they pay for
- urban development and infrastructure investment (for public transport and housing)
- climate response and the protection of our natural environment
- cultural, family and sporting events
- play spaces for children and local parks
- libraries, recreation centres, pools and community venues for hire
- rules around where you can walk your dog
- the quality of water from your tap and at your local beaches
- making it safer for cyclists and pedestrians around the city and local centres
- many other services, like bus timetables, checking buildings are built properly, restaurant health rules, alcohol licenses and public art.
How Auckland Council makes decisions
Our model of local government helps meet both regional and local needs and gives Auckland the resources it needs to grow and develop.
Decisions are shared between the Governing Body and local boards, each with their own areas of decision-making:
- The Governing Body focuses on the big picture and on region-wide strategic decisions. It consists of the mayor and 20 councillors.
- Local boards represent the communities in their area and make decisions on local issues, activities and facilities.
Who elected members are
Elected members are voted in at the local election to represent Aucklanders.
They make decisions that shape the development of the Auckland region and build strong local communities.
The mayor
The mayor is elected by all Auckland voters and leads the Governing Body.
Auckland's 20 councillors are elected by voters to represent the 13 Auckland wards.
Wards are geographic areas defined by a sense of identity, community and the services provided for these communities.
Local board members
There are 21 local boards in Auckland Council and each has between five and nine members, elected by voters from the local areas they represent.
Each local board also elects a chairperson and a deputy chairperson.
Find your local board and ward
You can Find the local board and ward that you will be voting in for the 2025 local elections using our online location tool. The tool requires you to enter your home address.
What local elections are
Local elections are held every three years to choose the new elected members (mayor, councillors and local board members) to help make decisions for a local council.
Voting in the local elections is how you can choose who those members will be and who will make decisions on your behalf on issues affecting Auckland and your local community.
Get ready to vote
Voting opens in this local election on 9 September 2025 and closes at 12 noon on 11 October 2025.
You can vote in the local elections if you:
- are over 18 years old
- are a NZ citizen or permanent resident
- have lived in NZ for at least 12 months continuously.
You can vote in the Auckland local elections if you live in the Auckland region or own property here.
Enrol to vote and check or update your postal address to make sure you receive your voting papers.
Key dates for the 2025 local elections
- Check you are enrolled to vote:
September 2024 to Friday 1 August 2025 - Consider being a candidate:
September 2024 to July 2025 - Candidate nominations open:
Friday 4 July 2025 - Candidate nominations close (12 noon):
Friday 1 August 2025 - Candidates announced:
Friday 8 August 2025 - Final electoral roll certified by Electoral Officer:
Monday 5 September 2025 - Voting papers sent to enrolled voters:
Tuesday 9 September to Monday 22 September 2025 - Voting opens:
Tuesday 9 September to Saturday 11 October 2025 - Voting closes (12 noon):
Saturday 11 October 2025 - Progress and preliminary results published:
Saturday 11 October 2025 - Final results announced:
Monday 14 October to Friday 17 October 2025
How postal voting works
Current legislation states that local elections must be run by postal voting.
If you are an enrolled voter, you will get your voting documents in your letter box between Tuesday 9 and Monday 22 September 2025.
To make sure your voting papers are sent to your current address, you need to have either enrolled or updated your address before Friday 1 August 2025.
What to do if you do not get your voting papers
If your voting pack does not arrive in the post – as you may have recently changed address or you might be on the unpublished electoral roll – you can cast a special vote. Special votes will be available in a range of locations across Auckland. More details will be available closer to the time.
Where to drop off your voting papers
You can drop your voting papers into any New Zealand Post box and you do not need to pay for postage. Make sure you post your papers before Tuesday 7 October 2025, to make sure they arrive at the Electoral Officer before the close of voting.
There will also be a number of locations throughout the city, including Auckland Council libraries and some supermarkets, where you will be able to drop off your voting papers up until 12 noon on Saturday 11 October 2025.
We will publish further details about these locations closer to the time.
Information for candidates
Elected members come from diverse backgrounds and bring a range of different skills and experiences to the role.
You don't need any specific qualifications to become a candidate in the local elections, but you do need to be:
- a New Zealand citizen
- aged 18 years or older
- enrolled on the electoral roll.
A day in the life of an elected member
Elected members play a varied role in the day-to-day running of our city. As an elected member, you will:
- help decide how Auckland's money is spent
- make decisions that will help define the future for our communities
- help businesses grow and prosper
- decide how to meet the current and future needs for infrastructure, public services and regulations
- help manage our assets, worth $42 billion.
On any given day, you may:
- read and prepare for the upcoming week's meetings
- vote in various decision-making meetings and committees
- engage with the public to hear their views
- attend events like public meetings, citizenship ceremonies or the opening of a new park or cycleway
- represent the council at community and cultural events like Matariki, Pasifika Festival, Chinese New Year, Diwali and the Auckland Pride festival
- take part in community activities, like a working bee for a local stream regeneration project.
Skills and qualities that make a successful elected member
Key skills required to be successful as an elected member and represent the people of Auckland include:
- Time commitment – you will often work outside of normal office hours and will need to be flexible and able to prioritise your time.
- Commitment to te Tiriti o Waitangi / the Treaty of Waitangi – knowledge of local iwi, tea o Maori and tikanga is an asset
- Communication – you will often have to speak publicly at meetings and events and will need to confidently express your views and opinions
- Tech savvy - a large part of the role involves technology, so you should know how to use email, MS Teams, a smartphone and a computer or tablet.
- Strategic thinking and decision-making - you need to be able to balance conflicting views, consider the financial and long-term consequences of decisions and keep an open mind when making decisions.
- Relationship building - you need to build and maintain productive and respectful relationships with people from different cultures and disciplines, including community members and council employees.
Salary of an elected member
Elected members receive a salary that is fixed by an independent agency (the Remuneration Authority). The salary is based on the expected time and work commitment of the role, on the size of the area and number of constituents represented.
Local boards members work on average 12-24 hours a week and are paid between $31,141 to $55,811 depending on the local board (salary ranges based on the size of the area).
Each local board will elect a chair and deputy chair among its members – these roles require a bigger time commitment (20-40 hours a week) and receive an annual salary ranging between $37,369 to $111,623 depending on the role and local board.
Councillors work full-time – 40 hours or more a week – and receive a $111,782 annual base remuneration.
The mayor works full-time 40 hours or more a week, with a significant professional and personal commitment, including after hours and weekends and receives an annual salary of $306,952.
For more information, see the full details of the salary for each role.
Assisted participation services
How to get assistance with voting
If you are eligible to vote, but are unable to complete your voting documents unassisted, you will be able to cast your vote over the phone.
How to get assistance with nomination documents
If you have disabilities and wish to stand as a candidate but are unable to complete your nominations documents unassisted, you can request assistance from one of our trained staff members. Call the Electoral Office on 09 973 5212 or 0800 922 822 to book an appointment.