Ngā kōwhiringa pōti ā-rohe o mua Past local elections and by-elections
2022 local elections results
Details on who was elected as mayor, ward councillors, local board and licensing trust members in the 2022 local elections.
2019 local elections results
Details on who was elected as mayor, ward councillors, local board, licensing trust and district health board members in the 2019 Tāmaki Makaurau local elections.
Recent by-election results and why we hold them
Learn why we hold by-elections and read a list of recent by-election results.
Search for candidate donations and expenses and download a copy of the electoral donations and expenses form.
Pre-election Report 2022
See what issues Auckland faced in the lead up to the 2022 local election.
Related topics
Search for candidate donations and expenses and download a copy of the electoral donations and expenses form.
How much elected members get paid
Find out what roles you can be nominated for, what is required for each role and the salary you would be paid.
What is involved in being an elected member?
Auckland faces some unique challenges and you could lead us through this important time in our city’s history.
How to become a candidate in the local elections
Find out how to get nominated, what it takes to be a candidate and how to run a successful local elections campaign.
Skills and qualities you need to become an elected member
Learn what makes a great elected member and the range of different skills and experience candidates need to bring to the role.
Key dates for the 2025 local elections
A list of the key dates for local elections 2025.