Pre-election Report 2022

See what challenges Auckland faced in the lead up to the 2022 local election.

About the Pre-election Report 2022

We published our 2022 Pre-election Report ahead of the 2022 local elections. 

This report is a legislative requirement of the Local Government Act 2002, which the chief executive of each council must prepare independently of their mayor and councillors.

The report focuses on issues that will need to be considered in the next council term and provides information on what major projects the council expects to fund over the next three years. 

What the pre-election report covers 

The 2022 Auckland Council Pre-election Report noted three key challenges over the upcoming council term:

Climate change action 

Responding to a changing climate is likely to require substantially increased funding, fundamental reprioritisation of existing spending and policy changes. 

Addressing inequity across Tāmaki Makaurau 

Our Economic Development Action Plan identified tangible actions for mitigating and reversing inequality, particularly in the wake of COVID-19. 

Funding and financing Aucklanders’ needs 

The report noted that current revenue was not adequate to deal with the financial pressures we faced, as our costs were increasing at a faster rate than the money coming in. 

As the pressure on costs increased, it was noted we must be balanced against the need to keep charges for residents and businesses affordable, both then and into the future.

The pre-election report detailed these challenges and posed some questions about what more could be done to respond to them.

It should be read in conjunction with other Auckland Council documents such as the long-term plan, annual report and quarterly reports

Get a copy of the 2022 Pre-election Report